Tag Archives: politics

Berlin’s new major elected: Michael Müller

Last weekend the members of Berlin’s co-ruling party SPD (social democrats) elected Michael Müller as follower of Klaus Wowereit. Wowereit had announced his resignation already in august 2014, leaving the question of who might follow completely unanswered. Three candidated were in the race, Michael Müller won with a majority of almost 60%. Müller is well […]

community-owned energy supply petition results

Congratulations: 200000 signatures were needed, but in the end over 260000 people signed the petition. That means that the petition is a success and now further steps towards a community-owned energy supply can follow… I’m looking forward to this new step towards a community-owned infrastructure. First Berlin water supply got back into public hand, now […]

Green-Red coalition talks fail at Autobahn plans

First it seemed as if both sides had found a compromise regarding the expansion of the city autobahn A100 – a compromise that would have kept the Social Democrats and the Greens from loosing their face. But now this compromise appears to be a foul compromise – and both parties have a different interpretation of […]

Berlin city council elections 2011

The people of Berlin can lean back and relax – they have already voted. Now Klaus Wowereit – or actually the ruling Social Democrats Party has to decide, with whom they want to work together for the next five years. The first option would probably to partner with the Green Party. But looking at the […]

Tempodrom sold, Berlin pays extra

In today’s online issue the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel confirms previous rumors: the Tempodrom is sold, the compulsory auction of the venue near Anhalter Bahnhof scheduled for today is canceled: “The Bremen based business group KPS has bought the venue Tempodrom in Kreuzberg.” [tagesspiegel.de] Basically this should be good news for all parties involved – if […]