Berlin Winter View to Mitte, TV-Tower

Winter has returned once again. It snowed for hours on end on Thursday – so not only were the trees, bushes, car roofs and footpaths covered in snow, but after a while the roads were too. A rather rare sight in Berlin.
Today the BVG is on strike again. Most buses, streetcars and subways will not run for 24 hours – from Monday, February 10, 3 am to Tuesday, February 11, 3 am. However, some buses, all S-Bahns and, as far as I know, ferries are running.
The streets are accordingly full: lots of cars, including a conspicuous high number of car-sharing vehicles are on the road – but of course also cyclists, e-scooters and pedestrians. And as today is also the first day of school after the winter break, the strike is hitting schoolchildren particularly hard.
After all, it’s “only” relatively cold with temperatures around freezing point – but it’s not raining. And it’s not particularly windy either. Well then – stay brave!
View of the television tower on a very dark evening in December. The photo was taken from Rochstraße ‘behind’ Alexanderplatz.
View from the crossing of Brunnenstrasse and Invalidenstrasse to the TV-Tower on a quite grey November afternoon.
The Zion Church from behind, the photo is taken on a dull autumn evening. It’s autumn, the leaves are yellow-gold, the church glows yellow-gold against the gray-grey sky.