About / Contact

Hi! Welcome to Berlin!

This is nuBerlin – a Berlin based Berlin dedicated blog about all things ‘Berlin’ in non-native English. Here I’m gathering facts and figures about life and living in Berlin, things to do – and things not to do, Berlin related news in English etc. and compile a collection of what I would like to call Berlin 101: a Berlin City Guide for Noobs, Newbies, NuBerliners. Welcome to

This is not a food blog. And I’m not an expat. Actually I was born in Berlin. And I’ve been living here now for quite a while. This is probably why people like to ask me things about Berlin – and I must admit I also like to tell. And I like to discover Berlin as if I was new to the city – but that’s a bit difficult for me, since I actually have to work here. And there is just too much to discover in ‘Nu Berlin‘.

Ich bin ein Berliner.
And nuBerlin is my Berlin based blog for new Berliners.

Please feel free to subscribe to the nuBerlin-Newsletter and keep up with the latest news from Berlin! About 2-3 times a month I will compile the latest Berlin-related news in non-native English together with latest updates from nuBerlincom. You can of course opt out at any time – an unsubscribe-link is provided with every newsletter sent:

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Of course you can also follow nuBerlin on any of the following news streams:
RSS-Feed of latest Blog-Posts
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Or let’s become friends on the freshly installed Facebook page!

If you have any questions concerning the City of Berlin or this website or both, or if you would like to submit a link or an event or Berlin related news –> please feel free let me know. You can either contact me through any of the above channels or find detailed contact information at till.bortels.info – or send me an email: www [at] nuberlin.com

Haw a nice stay!


Contact information

Anklamer Strasse 15
10115 Berlin, Germany
till@nuberlin.com / www@herrfraufirma.de

One thought on “About / Contact

  1. David Attar

    Great Site.
    I just my laundromat store and was hoping you could list it on your website. It’s had great feedback from clients. If you need to, I would be happy to speak to you.

    It’s currently undergoing a rebranding to the name of SCHLEUDERTRAUM, which translates to extraction dream in German.

    The address is :
    Wilhelminenhof Strasse 82a
    12459 Köpenick

    Many thanks and best regards,

    P.S – would be ever so grateful to get a listing at the top,..:-)


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