Tag Archives: weekend

Berlin Weather: August-Autumn vs September-Summer

Currently Berlin Weather seems to behave a bit weird: it’s still August, but the temperatures are hardly climbing above the 20°C mark (which would be 68°F). And the trees actually seems to loose their leaves already. So is this still summer? Or is it already Autumn? Autumn in August? Please not. It’s not really cold […]

Berlin’s Late Shops and Kiosks: sunday shopping re-thought

Currently an online petition makes its round through Berlins newspapers, Berlin blogs and social media. The initiator claims she wants to ‘save’ Berlin’s Late Shop and Kiosk Culture. But wait – is Berlin’s Late Shop and Kiosk Culture really in danger? Maybe not quite yet. But… As you might know already Berlin appears to be […]

Carneval of Cultures Street Parade live stream

This year’s Carneval of Cultures Street Parade just kicked off. Wheather conditions are fine, and the parade currently makes her way through the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg. Not in town but still want to see, what the parade looks like? Lucky you: local public radio station Radio1 and local public TV station RBB are both covering […]