Tag Archives: Berlin Wall

A photo of a dog on a Skateboard

Berlin Kreuzberg: dog on a skateboard

A dog on a skateboard, Berlin Kreuzberg - Photo:T.Bortels/nuberlin.com

I recently had an ‘interesting conversation on twitter… It started like this: i went to berlin and all I brought back was a photo of a dog on a skateboard. #berlin… https://t.co/PawU01PyyX — i’ll be your mirror (@illbyourmirror) April 5, 2016 A photo of a Dog on a Skateboard?! Yep, sounds familiar.

7 Historical Photos of the Berlin Wall 1961 – 1989

Today 54 years ago people of Berlin woke up in a divided city. In the early morning hours East German border police had secured the border line between the East and West Berlin sector and workers had begun zu build the actual wall. I took the opportunity to update the Berlin Wall page of nuBerlin […]

Historical Berlin Maps online and offline (exhibition)

The Berlin Landesarchiv (Archives of the Land Berlin) in Reinickendorf / Tegel have recently opened an exhibition worth seeing. On display: historical maps of Berlin by Julius Straube, as well as historical photos and posters of Berlin of the 19th century. One particular map from the year 1897 for example resembles what today would probably […]

Border of light: 25th anniversary of The Fall of The Berlin Wall

Already on sunday evening about 8000 balloons were released to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – one milestone of the reunification of East and West Germany. For three days a 15 km “border of light” (Lichtgrenze) symobilized the line where over 25 years ago the Berlin Wall divided the […]

Berlin S-Bahn on strike this weekend

07.11.2014 17:00 The Berlin S-Bahn drivers’ strike still continues – but it seems it will be over soon: media reports that the train drivers’ union announced, the drivers’ strike will end already on Staurday evening, November 8th, 18 o’clock (which is 6 p.m.). Chances are that later that evening more or less all S-Bahn trains […]

50 years of Berlin Wall

As you might know: today 50 years ago, on August 13th, 1961 East German soldiers and workers began to build the Berlin Wall. For the Western World this came as a complete surprise. Not only had Walter Ulbricht, head of East Germany’s government in those days, only weeks before said “Nobody would intend to build […]