Tag Archives: accommodation

Berlin Home Building: Apartment Construction in 2015

Berlin Home Building: Apartment Construction 2015

Berlin Apartment Construction 2015 - Photo: T.Bortels/nuberlin.com

Recently the Berlin Bureau of Statistics have released numbers and figures describing the Berlin Apartment Construction in 2015. And since I find the numbers quite interesting I had a closer look and I’ll try to sum up some of them.

Even more Hotels built in Berlin

Berlin tourism seems to be an ever increasing business. As the number of tourists is still increasing, the number of hotels is also. At the moment Berlin has already over 500 hotels, providing over 136.000 beds to tired travelers. That is a relatively high number – at least according to media reports in 2012 Berlin […]

Berlin: a Single City (both male and female)

Are you single? Or I should actually rather ask: Are you living alone? The good news is: you are not alone. A recent research tells us, the majority of Berlin apartments are inhabited by one person – or in other words: the majority of Berlin households are single-person households. For long-term Berliners this probably isn’t […]

10 Berlin News & Stories / Press Review Week 36

What are international news websites, magazines and newspapers writing about Berlin? Here is a list of ten Berlin related news articles from around the world: As Rents Rise, Can Berlin Artists Still Afford a Place to Work? artnet News, September 1 “Berlin lost yet another building of studios last month. For the past 15 years, […]