Summer in Berlin

Are you planning to come to Berlin during the summer? Great. There are just a few things you probably should probably know about Summer in Berlin.

Summer in Berlin – it’s alright

You may have guessed already: the above quote is from the lyrics of Alphaville’s song Summer in Berlin. The band probably refers to the typical Berlin feeling, that people are experiencing especially during the summer time. Spending a Summer in Berlin may not be the greatest choice you ever made – but then again, it can be quite nice. It’s alright.

At first sight, Berlin may not be your typical choice for a summer vacation. The city may not be as pretty as other cities, there is no real beaches, it can be rather chilly in the evening – and sometimes it rains for a couple of days. Overall Berlin may not have the best reputation for what you might expect from a ‘real summer holiday’.

But then again – it’s alright. It’s nice as it is. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder – and also sitting outdoors in one of the many parks and bars and cafés can be a nice alternative to lying on some sandy beach. But let’s begin with the basics.

Berlin Summer Weather and Climate

While Berlin is not particularly well known for it’s hot summer days, weather can actually be quite nice in the summer time – if you consider ‘sunny’ = good weather. The temperatures may climb above the 30°C mark and with a bit of luck there can be a few sunny days in a row – sometimes even weeks.

A popular summer leisure ‘activity’ is hanging in a park. People either just enjoy being on their own, reading a book or taking a nap – or gathering in groups, having a picnic, playing boule or preparing some barbecue.

Once the city has warmed up a bit, it is very well possible to sit outdoors also during the evening hours – or even throughout the night. And in most Berlin districts it is still mostly ok to sit outdoors in the evening, having a drink or even enjoying some barbecue – a late dinner from the grill. But you should be aware that you neighbors right for silence during the night hours (after 10pm) weights more than your right to enjoy yourself outdoors.

…to be continued…

see also:

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