Ackerstrasse, Berlin Mitte

Ackerstrassse Berlin-Mitte Market-Hall

Ackerstrasse, view towards Torstrasse /  Berlin-Mitte – to the left: the old Market-Hall near Invalidenstrasse – Photo: T.Bortels/

Discover Berlin > Mitte > Ackerstrasse

The Ackerstraße in Berlin Mitte is one of those rather ‘hidden’ streets. It stretches from Koppenplatz / Linienstrasse all the way across Torstrasse, Invalidenstrasse, past the Sophiengemeine Cemetary and the Berlin Wall Memorial at Bernauer Strasse up to near the roundabout where Scheringstrasse, Gartenstrasse, and  Liesenstrasse.

Ackerstrasse Berlin Mitte

Ackerstrasse, view towards Torstrasse /  Berlin-Mitte – to the left: the old Market-Hall near Invalidenstrasse – Photo: T.Bortels/

Walking up the Ackerstrasse you will find that the street consists of many different parts. Down in Mitte you mostly have old Berlin-style apartment buildings. Between Torstrasse and Invalidenstrasse the ‘Markthalle VI’, or ‘Ackerhalle’, a former market hall which is now a super market, is probably one of the oldest buildings in the street. And it’s the only Berlin market hall that is in its original shape – at least from the outside.

Across Invalidenstrasse you’ll find yourself walking next to a cemetery wall all the way up to the Berlin Wall memorial. This part of the street can be considered a bit boring, but it’s a good opportunity to let the thoughts travel and think about where you are actually currently walking.

Ackerstrasse in Wedding / West Berlin

Crossing Bernauer Strasse you are leaving former East Berlin and entering former West Berlin. The street now mostly cosists of rows of apartment buildings that were built in 80ies – and that don’t look so inviting. But also this part of Ackerstrasse has its charme. Again thinking that this used to be a dead end from gives me goose bumps. And the architecture shows: this housing area was once designed, planned and built with the Berlin Wall right next to it in mind.

Beyond Feldstraße, a brick building extends on the right to the next cross street. This is part of the former AEG factory, which was located here in Wedding. On the other side of the street is the Catholic Church of St. Sebastian.

A little further on, Ackerstraße then leads to the traffic circle at the Liesenbrücken. Here, a whole row of suburban railroad tracks crosses an intersection where five streets meet. The bridges were located in the immediate vicinity of the Berlin Wall, were closed for decades and were therefore hardly maintained. Even today, some of the bridges are in a literally memorable condition. Another part has been renovated – S-Bahn trains run here regularly.


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