Category Archives: Tempelhof

Taking a walk on Tempelhofer Feld

Berlin Tempelhofer Feld

Tempelhofer Feld, view to TV-Tower - Photo: TBortels/

In the Summer taking a walk on Tempelhofer Feld is not really my thing. You can’t really hide from the sun – and at least for my taste there is just a bit too much going on. And that is a good thing – but I prefer my walks to be a bit more relaxed. […]

Half Bread Half Butter

The fashion tradeshow for selected brands known as Bread and Butter was in the news today – for half a reason: in the future the tradeshow will visit Berlin only once a year, instead of twice. I must say I don’t even know what’s all the fuzz about? Already years ago I would have suggested […]

Information Pavilion at Airport Tempelhof

The airport is closed, the green is open to the public. But what are the future plans for the “Tempelhofer Feld”? Now there is a new information pavilion – an info-box located near the main entrance, providing information about the future use case scenarios of the airport’s taxiway area. And since the hottest topic probably currently […]