Average age of Berliners (map)

Berlin average age (map)

Average age of Berliners by borough – Data source: "Bestandsdaten Einwohnerregister Berlin" - CC BY 3.0 DE by Amt für Statistik Berlin -Brandenburg

Berlin is a young city – that seems to be at least the common opinion. And if you look at the sidewalks and streets of Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain this seems to be so true. Especially in those ‘party districts’ there seem to be more young people on the streets, as in other districts. But are all those young people really Berliners – or ‘just’ tourists? How old is the average Berliner? A look at the official statistics provides some insight: the average age of an average Berliner is currently  42.7 years.

As you may have guessed already – and as the map above indicates – the youngest neighborhoods can be found around MItte. Only a few years ago the map looked different – Mitte really was the youngest Berlin district. However in the recent years that group of ‘young Berliners’ has obviously moved away from the very center of the city to a bit more distant neighborhoods.

While only a couple of years ago the average age in Mitte was around 36 years, now it has risen to between 40 and 42.7 – still slightly less than the average. If you are roaming the streets of Berlin from time to time this may not come as a surprise: Wedding, Neuköln and Friedrichshain are currently hosting the youngest folks.

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