Berlin Weather in November: something of everything

Yes, we also had some serious November rain – but also sunshine, blue skies, stormy weather – and the first snow. There was basically something of everything.

If you look at the average temperature for Germany, this November was the warmest for the past 130 years – even though temperatures dropped in the second half of the month and the first snow even made it to Berlin. And there was also a 30% ‘bonus’ of sunshine, compared to the average November. In Berlin however we had 4% less sunshine than on an average November. For most people November is probably always too dark and grey anyways.

With over 60 liters per square meter this November was more than 30% more rainy, than an average Berlin November. And if you ask me: I could have skipped last Sunday’s evening rain easily. That was just a bit too much.

Now jet’s see what December will bring along. Usually the temperatures should drop a bit further towards the 0°C mark. And if the rainfall continues at the November scale, we should have lots of snow – sooner or later.

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