petition: keep Mauerpark green – A World-Citizens-Park

The Mauerpark in Prenzlauer Berg is one of Berlin’s unique spots that is frequently overcrowded. Especially on Sundays – especially during the summer months people gather, play music, frisbee, have a grill snack, a drink, a talk – or go shopping on one of Berlin’s wildest most interesting flee markets.

And the mixture of people is rather interesting two: since Mauerpark built on former Berlin Wall ground, on the so called Death Corridor, it is situated rigth between Wedding and Prenzlauer Berg – rigth between East and West Berlin – somewhere between the past / history and future.

But the park is at its limits – it is just a bit too small for its sheer popularity. After the original plans the Mauerpark should have been built by 2-3-4 times the size – the only problem is that the city of Berlin can not pay for it. Or maybe the city of Berlin does not want to invest in this *project*, and has a different plan for the future of Mauerpark. Instead there are now plans to sell the “waste land” that should actually be part of the park to investors – and they’re planning to build high value real estate – so called city houses with roof top terraces, garages, elevaters and… what not.

Well. Enough Prelude. What are your plans?
—– > Please sign the petition against the construction of buildings on areas of Berlin Mauerpark! More green space NOW!…t

And here you’ll find further information about the future plans for Mauerpark in english:

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