BVG: public transport strike

Already yesterday most of Berlin’s public tranport system BVG went on strike – or actually of course the workers of the BVG went on strike – not the public tranport system itself. Anyways. The timing for this ‘biggest strike ever’ was quite perfect: snowy weather took the traffic problems to the next level..
Anyways – what does that mean? can you still get from A to B..?

The good news is, that currently ‘only’ the BVG went on strike – that means that ‘only’ all the U-Bahns (subway), all the Trams (streetcars) and almost all busses are out of order for an unlimited time span – but the city trains “S-Bahn” are still running, and also the local trains and some 100 private busses are in operation.
The bad news is, that from Monday on this might be a hole different game, since now also the union of the City-Train drivers and train drivers asked their people to go on strike from next Monday on.

And then what..? Well – in Berlin there’s always another option – here’s three possible alternatives: first of all taking a TAXI (cab) for example is still quite affordable in Berlin. Second: thanks to the geographical flatness of the city riding a bicycle can still be quite relaxing – and you’ll discover streets and corners that you’ll never had a chance to see taking the U-Bahn. Third option: walk! ..seriously: I love walking – and a friend of mine even used to walk from Friedrichshain to Tiergarten twice a week! You’ll discover even more streets and corners and meet people and and and..:]

..greetz, t..

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