Tag Archives: zionskirche

Zionskirche / Evening Sky

Zionskirche / Evening Sky

Zionskirche / Evening Sky - Photo: T.Bortels/nuberlin.com

Another photo of the beautiful bell tower of Zionskirche in Berlin Mitte – and the as well beautiful evening sky. Warm Berlin summer nights can be so nice.

Cherry Blossom near Zionskirche

Berlin Cherry Blossum, Zionskirche

Cherry Blossum, Zionskirche – Photo: T.Bortels/nuBerlin.com

Walking the streets of Berlin you may have noticed Cherry trees here and there. Especially during spring time, when the cherry trees begin to blossom, one may be left puzzled why there are so many cherry trees, and why they seem to be planted in rather distinct places. The answer is quite simple: most of […]

Zionskirche against Blue Sky in March

Berlin Public Holidays - Zionskirche in Berlin MItte

Bell Tower of Zionskirche - Photo:T.Bortels/nuBerlin.com

Another photo of the church Zionskirche in Berlin Mitte near Prenzlauer Berg / Kastanienallee. In March the weather is finally a bit more friendly again – blue skies can be enjoyed over a period of a couple of days and the temperatures are currently between 2°C (~35°F) by night and 10°C (~50°F) by day. Spring […]