Category Archives: October

Admiralbrücke Berlin Kreuzberg

Admiralbrücke Berlin Kreuzberg

Indian summer in Berlin Kreuzberg – a walk along the Landwehrkanal, or just hanging out at the Admiralbrücke. Once again a Golden October – at least partially. Autumn in Berlin can also be quite beautiful.

Herbst Strelitzer Strasse Berlin

Herbst Strelitzer Strasse Berlin

The Strelitzer Straße in one of those side streets that you maybe first don’t really cherish – but after a while yu discover it as an alternative – for example to the much more busy Brunnenstrasse. Here’s another photo of “Golden October” in Strelitzer Straße – leafs are yellow, the street is rather quiet – […]

Berlin Autumn (Brunnenstrasse, Mitte)

Berlin Mitte Autumn Brunnenstrasse

In October we had again a couple of very nice / sunny days. Here is one picture taken on such a sunny day, looking down Brunnenstraße towards Mitte. Perfect day for a nice walk. Here in Berlin such sunny and warm autumn days are sometimes called “Golden October” – in the English speaking hemisphere probably […]

Berlin Weather in October: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Berlin autumn weather can be difficult, to say the least. For a couple of days the sun might shine, blue skies, no cloud anywhere. And then again it’s like this: the Berlin cloud stays for days and days and the it rains and it’s windy and cold. The beginning of October actually had some nice […]