Mauerpark, TV-Tower, Blue SKies, Reflection

Another one of those photo in grey-in-grey: grey clouds and grey houses in Berunnenstrasse, Mitte.
Berlin sidewalks are not in the best condition. And that can be a good thing. On Valentine’s Day I found this heart shaped gap in the cobbled paving near Arkonaplatz. How nice is that? And of course took a photo of it. Please feel free to like this photo and/or follow me on Instagram.
Wanted: more Berlin streetart! Nowadays it’s quite a bit difficult to find streetart in Berlin. Of course compared to other cities you may think that there is a lot art in the streets of Berlin, but compared to what was going on only 10 years ago the current situation is a bit sad. But nevertheless […]
View from Wedding towards Bernauer Strasse / towards the TV-Tower Fernsehturm. On the tight if the TV-Tower you can see a part of the Bernauer Straße memorial site.