Yearly Archives: 2020



Due to the Corona virus many many places, venues and locations had to close down for quite a while. Also the language school in Kastanienallee was temporarily closed – as was the food stand in front of the school and the sign next to it.

Sunset Oderberger Strasse

Sunset Oderberger Strasse Berlin

Sunset Oderberger Strasse - Photo: T.Bortels/nuberlin,com

The Oderberger Strasse streches rather exactly from East to West . This means the sun rises on the one end of the street and sets on the other – towards Mauerpark.

Invalidenstrasse Skyline

Invalidenstrasse Skyline Berlin Mitte

Invalidenstrasse Skyline Berlin Mitte - Photo: T.Bortels/

Another photo taken from Ackerstrasse facing towards Invalidenstrasse / Mitte / TV Tower. The rather unspectacular Berlin Skyline as it is seen from this very spot. Luckily some dark clouds add a little bit of drama to the view on this otherwise rather sunny day.

Zionskirche / Evening Sky

Zionskirche / Evening Sky

Zionskirche / Evening Sky - Photo: T.Bortels/

Another photo of the beautiful bell tower of Zionskirche in Berlin Mitte – and the as well beautiful evening sky. Warm Berlin summer nights can be so nice.