Berlin Weather: Spring Time in January

After some weeks of Berlin’s typical mostly grey-grey-cloudy winter weather today the day began with a surprise: Good Morning Sunshine! Blue skies, a few fluffy clouds, mostly sunny. The temperatures are between 5°C and 10°C – in the sun it feels a bit warmer. Feels like perfect weather conditions for a coffee or a drink on the terrace of your favourite café / bar.

Berlin winter weather sunshine

Berlin winter weather: sunshine – Photo: T.Bortels

And the weather forecast says that we might expect sunshine, blue skies and temperatures between 5°C to 15°C all through until next weekend. Yay!

Update: Maybe I misunderstood some details of the weather “forecast”, but the early spring lasted for only two days. Currently it seems we’re back in the grey-cold-windy-and-wet phase of Berlin winter. Yay!

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