Tag Archives: internet access

Additional Free WiFi Hotspots at Berlin U-Bahn Stations

For almost a year Berlin’s public transport provider BVG has been testing a single Free WiFi Hotspot at U-bahn station Osloer Strasse. Finally the company has come to the conclusion, that it seems to be a good idea to provide free wireless internet access at more subway stations across Berlin. The public transport provider has […]

BVG testing free WiFi in subway station

Berlin’s public transport provider BVG is currently testing free internet access in Wedding’s subway station Osloer Strasse (U8 / U9). Until the end of October everybody on that station can simply login into BVG’s hotspot “BVG Wi-Fi” and use their internet connection free of charge. BVG is hoping to gather information about the practicability of […]

free wireless internet for Berlin

..at least that seems to be the vague idea of Michael Müller, head of Berlin’s social democrats party SPD. So far it is not clear if this wireless web access would grant full range free access to ‘the real web’ – or just some kind of ‘city web’. The city of Heidelberg at least offers […]