Tag Archives: Graffiti

Stay Home – Sign of the Corona-Times

Stay Home - Berlin writing on the Wall

Sign of the times – Message to You… I felt a bit bad and sad reading the writing on the Wall: Stay Home. I just hope that one fine day I can lough about this photo – or at least smile. Currently I try to do my best to keep the Corona numbers down – […]

Subway Graffiti

Berlin U-Bahn Graffiti

U-Bahn / Graffiti - Photo: T.Bortels/nuberlin.com

You may think that the Berlin subway a.k.a. U-Bahn is quite a clean, maybe even boring environment. At least if you compared it for example to the New York subway of the 80ies and 90ies. At least when you think of Graffiti. But sometimes you will find trains ‘decorated’ with huge colorful Graffiti – some […]