Felleshus / Nordic Embassies Berlin

Felleshus / Nordic Embassies Berlin
Nordische Botschaften
Felleshus | Gemeinschaftshaus
Rauchstraße 1
D-10787 Berlin

Current / upcoming exhibitions

Echt?! – Young 3-Dimensional Art from Norway, Felleshus Berlin

Echt?! – Young 3-Dimensional Art from Norway

“The exhibition »Echt?! – Young 3-Dimensional Art from Norway« presents a fresh perspective on contemporary three-dimensional art from Norway,…“
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The Felleshus – in German Gemeinschaftshaus – is the freely accessible cultural and event center of the five Nordic embassies (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). Public exhibitions and readings, concerts, film screenings, lectures and conferences are held here. You can get information about the Nordic countries, have a bite to eat in our canteen, stop by the coffee bar or take a look at the courtyard and embassy buildings from the entrance area. …” (translated with www.deepL.com/)