Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen

Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin
Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2
D-10785 Berlin Mitte

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“Collecting, preserving, developing, presenting and mediating our audiovisual heritage – these have been tasks of the Deutsche Kinemathek since its opening in 1963. Everything related to film and television history are artifacts: Marlene Dietrich’s estate, donations by Werner Herzog or the TV documentary filmmaker Georg Stefan Troller, for example, but also important film scripts, which include those ranging from Carl Mayer to Christian Petzold. In addition, there is a film archive with copies of more than 26,500 films, as well as a viewable inventory of over 40,000 films on video, DVD and Blu-rays. Scholars and journalists use the various inventories for their research and inquiries. Copies of films are screened on site and loaned to movie theaters. …”