
Wednesday 7. December 2022 — Sunday 3. September 2023
Repair! Exhibition at Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin

Whether it’s a cell phone, sneaker, or bicycle, it’s always worth trying to do repairs. Every time we do, we learn how the thing works, and we also hang onto it instead of throwing it away and buying something new. Extending over 500 square meters, the special exhibition Repair! Use Don’t Lose shows how important repairing is for our throw-away society in the face of the climate crisis. Designed specifically with families in mind, the exhibition in the museum’s Ladestraße location offers a lot of participatory activities. Visitors young and old can “dive in” together in our well-equipped hands-on workshop and at interactive stations, where they can do things like darn a hole in a giant sock or fix a broken dike. This direct involvement proves it: fixing things not only makes sense but is also a lot of fun! School classes can book free repair workshops. …”

Deutsches Technikmuseum
Trebbiner Straße 9
10963 Berlin

More exhibitions: July 2024 | August 2024 | September 2024