Poesie der Zeit. Michael Ruetz – Timescapes 1966–2023

Thursday 9. May 2024 — Sunday 4. August 2024
Poesie der Zeit. Michael Ruetz – Timescapes 1966–2023 - Akademie der Künste, Berlin

How can time and transience be visualised; how can changes in a society or an urban space be documented? Since the mid-1960s, artist Michael Ruetz has been observing the transformation of natural and urban environments at places in Berlin, Germany and Europe in a photographic study. His works, called Timescapes, comprise more than 600 locations and thousands of photographs. The central concept of Timescapes is that the position and visual axis of the camera always remain the same, while only the time intervals of the photo series vary. …”

Akademie der Künste
Pariser Platz 4
10117 Berlin
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