Christinenstrasse, Berlin-Mitte

Christinenstrasse Berlin Mitte

Christinenstraße in Berlin Mitte – links im Bild die Tchoban Foundation, Museum für Architekturzeichnung, rechts der Teutoburger Platz.

I do like the Christinenstraße. From where I live, it’s one of the small, pretty streets that takes me where I want to go from time to time -–at least if I’m heading towards Mitte. In this respect, I walk along one or other section of Christinenstraße relatively often.

Like so many other small streets, Christinenstraße connects the districts of Prenzlauer Berg and Mitte. It runs a little hidden, almost parallel to the lower section of Schönhauser Allee between Schwedter Straße and Torstraße and passes Teutoburger Platz halfway along.

Near Schwedter Straße is the famous/ infamous Schurkenkeller – one of those rather small ‘underground’ venues that can quickly turn out to be a time sink as soon as you enter. Nowadays, you can rent the club and host your own party there. Which is actually really nice. See also:

A little further on is Teutoburger Platz. The Teutoburger Platz is home to a nice little park. Nothing spectacular, but at least it’s a nice little park. In summer, half the neighborhood meets here for an occasional picnic or just to chat over a drink.

Right on Teutoburger Platz, on the corner of Zionskirchstraße and Christinenstraße, you will find the Museum of Architectural Drawings – or rather the Tchoban Foundation ( I have to admit that I’ve never been there (as of March 2024), but I know it’s a place you should actually visit – especially if you’re interested in architecture.

And then there is an entrance to the Pfefferberg area, right next to the Museum of Architectural Drawings. It may not look like it at first glance, but from here you can meander between the various buildings all the way down to Schönhauser Allee. A short detour is definitely worthwhile. The Pfefferberg site is quite extensive and you can always discover interesting corners here and there. Among other things, the artist Olafur Eliasson has his Berlin studio right on Christinenstraße. The Meinblau project space attracts visitors with changing events and exhibitions, studios, ateliers, galleries, restaurants – there is plenty to discover.