125 years in the heart of Berlin. Photos on the history of the museum

Sunday 10. September 2023 — Sunday 7. January 2024
125 Jahre mitten in Berlin - Geschichte des Museum für Kommunikation

To mark the 125th anniversary of the museum building, the Museum of Communication is opening its photo archive and showing photos from the eventful history of the magnificent building. “Simply dignified style…” was how Kaiser Wilhelm II commented on the design for the Reichspostmuseum at the time. Under Kaiser Wilhelm II, public buildings were supposed to be stately and reflect the German Empire’s claim to power. This also applied to postal buildings. The opulent design of the Reichspostmuseum in the center of Berlin is a prominent example. …” (translated with the free version of www.deepl.com/translator)

Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
Leipziger Straße 16
10117 Berlin Mitte
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